Friday, January 23, 2009

Homemade Tattoo Kit Anyone???

See Braxton got a coloring easel for Christmas....and he loves it! It has a dry erase board on one side that he colors with some dry erase markers. Well, the other day he came up to me with the "green" marker in his hand and said "Mommy wook at my tattoo's on my hands"! I said, Braxton you are only suppose to color on your board, not on your hands. Well, I thought he learned a lesson and he wasn't going to color on his hands again, since I took the markers away from him. I forgot to tell my mom yesterday that his markers were off when I went to pick him up after work this is what I saw.
"Wook at my tattoo Mommy"

Look at how CLOSE he got to his eye with that marker!!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!! Thank god these markers were washable!


  1. Ok so I am laughing at Brax! Too funny! Thanks for the comments and I will be sure to tell russ about the elephant on ebay africa! That is SOOOO funny! I know you are jealous!!

  2. Well mommy, you didn't say to not mark on his face!!
    Too cute. At least it wasn't your sofa or bed.
    You should get him some temporary tatoos.

  3. At least it wasn't your floors,table,chairs,or your walls...lets just say Majic Eraser is my best friend!

  4. He is so cute. Maggie just wrote words all over her bedroom furniture today so get ready for when Braxton decides to do that. haaaaaa
